The Big Ones
- Fruitarianism, To Me - what I eat, as a Fruitarian.
- What A Teenage Fruitarian Eats In A Day
- Raw Vegan Teens: Tips From 16y/o LFRV Teen
- Keepin' It Frugal As A Raw Vegan Fruitarian! +some tips for young people on LFRV
- Cleaning With Mud?! - my take on personal hygiene.
- No Poo - better than shampoo. Best way ever to clean your hair. Try it.
- Starting Out A Fruitarian Diet & Valuable Beginner Tips!
- Science Says: We Are Frugivores. - some links to information on the more scientific side of a frugivorous diet.
- Animal Consumption Is Genocide.
- Say No To GMO
About The Diet
- Fruitarianism, To Me - a description of what I eat.
- What A Teenage Fruitarian Eats In A Day
- 5 Steps To Amazing Health!
- Fruit People Protein!
- Can I Eat Cooked Food Sometimes? - not everybody feels that it is realistic to eat only raw foods, and that's okay; here's my take on eating cooked food occasionally.
- Why Are People Still Eating Meat?!
- Fruitarianism & Religion
- Vegetarianism, Veganism, and Raw Veganism
- Cold, Hard Facts For Veganism
- Veganism Saves Human Lives.
- Science Says: We Are Frugivores
- The Secret Life Of Plants (documentary)
- Reasons
- YouTube Videos! - my friend and I briefly discuss simple reasons that we chose veganism.
- This Can Be Yours. - a few benefits of a fruity lifestyle
- Karma Always Wins. - the effect of your dietary choices...on you!
- The Wolves & The Deer..
All raw, nut-free, oil-free, and salt free for optimum health; most only take a few minutes to make!
Main ingredients are in italics.
Main ingredients are in italics.
- Enchiladas (uses dehydrator) - zucchini, avocado, chilis
- Creamy Cucumber Noodles - avocado, cucumber, lemon
- Veggie Pizza (dehydrated) - spring greens, avocado, veggies
- Simple Cucumber Noodles - cucumber, lime, cilantro
- Tacos - romaine, zucchini, spices
- Curry-Ginger-Lime Soup - greens, avocado, lime
- Sushi - cauliflower, nori, ginger
- Chili - tomato, zucchini, bell pepper
- Tomato-Parsley Pasta - cucumber, tomato, parsley
- Tomato-Orange Salad Dressing - orange, tomato, garlic
- Super Creamy Green Protein Pasta - cucumber, peas, avocado
- Creamy Dill Chowder - cucumber, corn, dill
- Mango-Strawberry Pie - mango, strawberry, dates
- Spiced Dates - dates, coconut, orange zest
- Banana Icecream - bananas
- Banana-Nog - bananas, dates, spices
- Crêpes (dehydrated) - bananas, berries, avocado
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