So just for kicks and giggles, I'm making myself a low fat raw vegan gourmet veggie pizza!
Here's what I'm doing:
2 - 3 c of young spring greens (I went out to our woods and picked mine own - violets and young dandelion leaves!)
3 stalks celery
A few dried apricots
A splash of orange juice
3 - 4 basil leaves
1 - 2 tbsp flax
Juice of 1 lemon
Salt-free pizza spices
1 - 2c Water
Blend all ingredients and squeeze through cheesecloth, or juice everything.
(Mix the juice you get with fruit juice - I like orange. Tomato would be good too. - and drink.)
Take the pulp and spread out in a circle. Dehydrate until somewhat chewy (or however crip you want it).
Once the crust has dehydrated....
Spread avocado on the crust.
Slice up veggies and put on top!
Good options include:
•Cherry (or regular) tomatoes
•Leek greens or green onions
•Sweet pepper
•Fresh Basil
After all the toppings were assembled, I sprinkled a little more salt-free pizza seasoning on top.
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